Dr. Janardhana Rao Tenneti, in Award Function-cum-International Conference on 18th October, 2019

The team of the International Organization for Educational Development “IOED” (www.ioed.in) and the International Police Commission – IPC India ipcindia.net.in/ jointly organized the Award Function-cum-International Conference on 18th October, 2019 (Time 9.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs.) at India International Centre – IIC, New Delhi vide: https://www.ioed.in/conference-2019 on Educational Reforms, Security and Economic Cooperation.

The Agenda of the Conference was to discuss the development of a Skill based Model in the education sector which is corporate centric, internal & external security issues and possible avenues for inter-state trade development. Dr. Janardhana Rao Tenneti, President of Society for Innovations in Science and Technology attended the conference for sharing views on education.